

4-18-22 Chewy had his freedom ride from Peabody KP in Kansas on 4/9/22.  He was picked up by Chris Brooks and Lynne Reed.  He and Maggie were taken to quarantine at Chris's house.  He was supposed to be a mustang around 18 or so and just needed some love.  He had a full body of long hair when he was rescued.  Since that time he went to the dentist and had his teeth floated.  He is actually late 20's.  He has scars from Foxtail in his mouth.  He otherwise had all his teeth and is fine orally.  His hooves were done 2 days later and the farrier said that it had been many years since he had anything done with his hooves.  He came from up north and it was assumed that he was turned out with poor forage.  Since coming to the Ranch he has been wormed and has had no signs of worms.  He is eating well and is doing well.  he is not fond of being in the barn.  He cannot be outside because it is in the 30's and he has bald patches where his hair is falling out.  He had a skin infection that has now been treated.  Tomorrow he goes to the vet and we are eager to see what the vet has to say.  He is an in your pocket horse and is eager to please.  He has is hesitant for new things but is such a gentleman and stands well.  He was perfect getting his shots.  He loads well.  He only hesitated once getting on the trailer going to the dentist but then loaded right up.  Chewy will be available for adoption once he has obtained his healthy weight and the vet has cleared him.  Stay tuned for more updates on CHEWY.

4-22-22 The vet has seen Chewy and thinks that he is more along the age of 25.  He continues to do well everyday.  His bald spots are starting to get more hair.  

6-24-22 UPDATE: Chewy has been adopted by the foster home he has been staying with.  CONGRATULATIONS TO CHEWY AND HIS NEW HOME!!!

He is very happy and running the fields with this buddies.  He is currently best friends with a Belgian senior draft horse and a yearling.  They are the best of buddies.

Wendy Wetzel donated his bail and bought his freedom

Chewy is adopted by his tiny human BFF Brylee and her grandparents Chris and Bill Brooks.  Brylee loves Chewy so much and has a little horse stuffed animal that looks like him that she takes everywhere.