

4-20-22 Ranger was bought at an auction in pretty bad shape.  No one wanted him because of the way he looked.  No one bid on him except us... and a kill buyer.  Happy to say this boy is coming home with us for rehabilitation and then re-homing when he is well.  He is a sweet boy and walks right up to you at the fence.  Thank you Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue for assisting us with the acquisition of Ranger.  He was named by Board Member Lynne Reed.  To pick him out of the line up I kept calling him, "the mangy looking one" and we had to name him something better.  Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue saved 28 that day at that auction alone.  I highly encourage you to follow them on Facebook.  

4-26-22 Ranger already has hair growing back.   He had a bath and a lot of the scales have been removed. He is very tender.  His skin is raw and could have some sunburns.  He has a few wounds but not bad.  He is braying and the first one at the gate to be seen.  He will be a great pet.  

UPDATE: Ranger has been adopted to a very loving family.  He has been gelded and has had his teeth floated which needed to be done because of sores and hooks.  We suspect he was around 8-12 years old.  

6-24-22 Update from his adopters: He is doing well and his hair is growing back in well.  He is living with another donkey and several horses and also the mini horse Chip (Pips) that he was rescued with.