

Alexa came to the rescue in November 2022.  She came from the KP in Kansas with several other horses.  Alexa was blind in both of her eyes and had numerous medical problems.  She had marks and bites all over her body on arrival.  Alexa was scared and reactive and would often kick out.  Once you got ahold of her she would calm down, and when calm words were spoken she would relax into you.  

This picture is of her meeting board member Lynne.  She had just kicked out at another horse and had lacerated her leg.  We were tending to her injuries while Lynne calmed her down. This was one of the few moments that she was truly calm.

The next day we took her to the vet and after the examination it was recommended that what was best for her was humane euthanasia.  Her body was severely underweight and she was suffering from end organ failure.  She had multiple medical problems and many were not treatable.

Her last days were spent in the company of people who loved her and cared for her.  She had a full belly, her feet were trimmed and she was well groomed.  We only knew her briefly but we gave her the dignity that she deserved in her final days. 

Her freedom ride from the KP

Eating her fill of good hay

getting blanketed from the cold

Her Facebook Ad

Alexa on arrival from Peabody