
Available for Adoption

Otto the Ocular Mini Horse

Otto came from the KP in Stroud Oklahoma.  He was vetted to be 10-12 years old.  He came to us as stallion but is now a gelding.  He has been gelded, vaccinated, vet examined, hooves trimmed and all his other physical needs met.  Otto is almost completely blind in both eyes.  The vet thinks that he see's some shadowing.  The right eye has old trauma and the eye is beautifully discolored.  He is our perfectly imperfect mini horse. When he arrived his left eye's anterior chamber was completely bloody from trauma.

Otto was picked for the Ranch by Peaceful Pastures Donkey Rescue.  We had expressed interest in Otto and when PPDR got there to pick up their donkeys she saw Otto and messaged us.  Unfortunately Otto was stalled with a full sized blind horse who kept kicking Otto in the head.  Otto (blind) smelled the horse and would approach him (who was also blind) and the other horse who did not know who/what was approaching him would kick out (not his fault).  The owner of PPDR contacted the staff at the KP who moved the mini horse.  Beth obtained Otto for us (as well as Minta) and brought them safely to Missouri.  Our heartfelt gratitude to PPDR who has always been a strong supporter of our rescue. 

Freedom Ride Nov 2022

Otto is the sweetest boy.  For being blind he sure does get around well.  He trailers well.  He follows verbal cues.  We use clicks to communicate with him when we are ready to work with him.  He does not bite, kick or rear.  He will run away to an extent but is easy to catch.  He needs a consistent environment with a seeing eye buddy.  Right now we are using Minta because that is who he is comfortable with, but Minta is a bit too reactive and when she gets upset it causes him stress and he is not even sure what he is upset about.  We plan on moving a much calmer mini horse in with him in the near future when he adjusts to changing his environment a bit more. 

He is available for adoption but only to a home that will meet his special accommodation needs.  

Beth from PPDR speaking to him softly

Arriving at the Brooks Barn for QT

Bloody eye on arrival

Left eye

Learning his pen

meeting his new family

Dec 2022

Dec 2022

Dec 2022

Jan 2023

(sedated) Vet day

Jan 2023

Feb 2023

Feb 2023

Feb 2023

His seeing eye horse

He trailers well

Otto and Spot

Brylee and Otto

March 2023

March 2023

He behaves on a lead