Captain Jack

Captain Jack

Captain Jack came to the Rescue as an owner surrender in January 2023.  He was named an awesome pirate name because he was born with one functioning eye.  He came from a loving family that was having trouble homing him.  He came basically as an unhandled 9 month old.  He is truly the sweetest boy.  He is willing to please and a fast learner. 

Shortly after coming to the rescue he was vet checked and diagnosed with microphthalmos (aka small eye: small globe with or without various other ocular anomalies).  He was vaccinated and gelded.  He has been haltered and is learning to stand tied and pick up his feet.  

His birthday is April 24, 2022.  We are getting ready to celebrate his first birthday with a party that is of course Pirate Themed!!!

Jack and his mom

Jack and his mom

Baby Jack

Pics sent to us of him as a baby

Jack and his mom

Jack the day he left his mom

Jack saying goodbye to his mom

Friendly little guy

Getting ready to load

his good eye

his micro eye

"thinking" about loading with mom

Loading for the first time

He was haltered without difficulty in the first 15 minutes (yay!) and we loaded his mom to encourage him to load.  We wanted his first trailer experience to be a good one.  He had never been haltered, never been in a trailer, never been away from his mom... He had a lot of stressors this day.  We wanted the experience to be as least traumatic as possible.  He handled the whole thing like a champ.  We waited patiently for him to load and unload himself.  It was overall a very good experience for him.  He was very excited about all the other horses when he arrived.  

First trailer ride

oh this nose!

ok, so it was a little scary

I love his tiny eye

unloading himself

seeing his new family

Sweet boy

Feb 2023

Feb 2023

Vet day: castration

Feb 2023

Feb 2023

Feb 2023

March 2023, meeting Willow

Not thrilled about standing tied

hiding from visiting kids